Do It! By Taking the First Step

It is only when we actually begin a difficult task that

we find we have the power and the talent to carry it off.

As long as we sit and about it, wish for it,

and stay where we are, Nothing Happens.

I read this statement out of an old publication from Earl Nightingale. This statement very true to me and every other person out there who is struggling to write something.

When we sit and try to analyze every word and thought we get nowhere fast in our writing.

We then become discouraged and almost give up on writing on our blog.

But then we find the courage to type out another post, and then repeat the process of not working out our thoughts for our blog.

James Lincoln a man who built the Lincoln Electric Company said this:

“you never know what a man can do until he has been given

sufficient incentive to strive to his utmost to bring out the God-given abilities within him.

How many incipient Fords and Edison’s go to their graves unrecognized the world will never know.

The tragedy is they were never given sufficient incentive – or never

met a crisis in their lives that brought out their hidden powers.”

Harry Emerson Fosdick put it this way:

“The Most satisfying happiness known to man is to create something,

to sit and be impressed by the creations of

other people is only a second-rate kind of happiness.”

Sitting by and writing nothing on your blog is going to get you nothing.

You won’t get the traffic, followers, comments, mentions or sales.

Doing NOTHING gets you NOTHING!

So get up and do something for yourself and family. Explore your feeling and thoughts and then WRITE about them.

Share those thought and feeling on social media and your blog post.

A.W. Robertson wrote:

If a man does only what is required of him , he is a slave.

The moment he does more than is required he becomes a free man.

We all have work to do in this world:

it is the DOING of just a little more

that leads to HAPPINESS and CONTENTMENT.

So whatever requires the DOING for you then just “DO IT” by taking those first steps.

I heard this joke one time at a went something like this: How do you eat an elephant? I don’t know. ONE BITE AT A TIME!

My point is take one step at a TIME to do what NEEDS to be DONE.

Get busy and DO your thing, whether it is writing, selling, speaking do what needs to be done!

Blog On!

Author: Mark

Welcome to "My Peaceful Life," with my Wife and kids. I am a dad and husband taking care of his disabled wife and three kids. I am currently driving for Uber and Lyft to provided an income for my family, but I am also blogger sharing stories and words of positive encouragement to help you through your day.