Update 2022

Well it has been sometime since my last post. On April 13 it will be a year. There has been a lot to happen in this past year.

Once I finished homeschooling a friend of mine daughter, I went back to driving for Uber and Lyft. Not to much happened over the Summer other than having some fun.

Then we move into the Fall and that’s when things take a slight turn south. My family was having some issues with caring for my dad. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years back and was getting worse. He was getting out of the house from my step-mom. We eventually made the decision to put him into a care facility to care for him. Which we really didn’t want to do but when you can’t find help you have to do something.

However, before the above happened, me, my wife and the boys went to WV to visit my family and especially my dad. We knew the time was coming that he would no longer be with us and we didn’t know when he would pass.

Well sad to say the time came on December 10, 2021, my only sister birthday. We then buried him on December 14, 2021.

Now jump forward to January 18, 2022 my wife was taken via ambulance to Piedmont Henry hospital. They treated her for her seizures and sent her home. I got her home and she was still no better. So my older son and I carried her down the steps and put her in the car.

I took her to her neurologists and he said she had Covid. Well the day before in the ER they didn’t even do a COVID test. I took her immediately over to the ER, they took her straight back, along with me by her side and put her in a room. They pumped her with some meds but she was still having uncontrollable seizures every 30 to 50 minutes apart. Finally they tested her for Covid and it came back positive. So they admitted her to the hospital at 4:30AM on Thursday January 20, 2022.

After being in the hospital until February 2, 2022, she has been home and doing well. She has her seizures under control and is now starting physical therapy.

Now back to last February 2021. We had made the decision to move in with my in-laws to help out with my father-in-law while my mother-in-law was teaching. This was a grave mistake I would not want to wish on no one.

We actually had moved all of our stuff to their house which was a big mistake. What we should have done was just stayed during the week and then went back to our house on the weekends. But I had the idea to either sell the house or rent it out. So I started renovating the house to make it more appealing to buyers and renters. But I just couldn’t get over the feeling of being stuck in some place that I am not wanted.

Because of this feeling, I wanted out of their house. Then because of my wife getting sick and not able to go up and down the stairs we are now moving back into our home. I also found out that my wife didn’t want to live here as well. So in the end we are getting what we wanted. We are moving out! But I wish it was under different circumstances.

That’s been my Life in a nutshell for the past year.


Author: Mark

Welcome to "My Peaceful Life," with my Wife and kids. I am a dad and husband taking care of his disabled wife and three kids. I am currently driving for Uber and Lyft to provided an income for my family, but I am also blogger sharing stories and words of positive encouragement to help you through your day.

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