5 Steps on: “How to Start An Amazing Blog”

Starting a blog is easy and fun. But there is actually a lot more to it than people let on. In this short blog here. I am going to lay out what you need to do in 5 easy steps.

Also there is going to be some cost monetarily and time wise.

Cost wise you will want to buy a domain name and you will also need a host company like bluehost.com for just an example.

They are one of the cheaper ones for bloggers. But do your research to find which one that best suites you.

Now let me ask you a question before you start creating your blog. Do you want this to be just a blog? Or do you want your blog to make you money?

If you want it to be just a blog then maybe you should go to WordPress.com and make a free blog there. But if you want to make money with your blog you will want to follow the 5 steps below.

Once you have created your money making blog. There will be some additional steps to making money with your blog that you will have to follow. I have an online course that will walk you through those to steps, here is the link: https://mykrazylife.teachable.com/ it cost just $35.00.I won’t leave you hangin, I will be just an email away to help you set up your blog.

Now let’s move onto what you really came for, starting your blog:

1. You want to explore what niche you want to go into; ie. lifestyle, travel, cooking, DYI, Finance, crafting. Reminder, do research and pick the one that you are passionate about. Go to Facebook or Pinterest and see if can find your niche there.

2. Once you have picked your niche, choose a simple and easy name. Then go to bluehost.com, siteground.com or wordpress.org to see if the title of your blog name is available. You may have to modify your web address if the one you choose is already taken.

Example mine is mykrazylife.com, my crazy is spelled with a k instead of a c because someone else is already using the c. So you might have to change a letter or change it up somehow.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to change your title. Here is another resource for checking out web address names; https://www.namecheap.com/

3. Once you have chosen you niche and created your web address and hosting. You can now go in and pick the appearance of your blog theme. After picking and creating your theme you will need to make changes within each page that is listed.

One page will be “About Me.” and “Contact Me,” are the ones that come standard when first creating a blog. You will need to edit the information in each of these pages. The “Home” page is where you will see all of your blog post that you create.

4. After you have created your first blog. On whatever topic that you have chosen, you will want to make sure that it is relevant to you blog as a whole. Then you will want to read over it and make sure there are no mistakes.

5. Having done all the above steps. Your last step will be to publish your post. Depending on which host you use will determine where you publishing button will be. On wordpress mine is over to the right and it’s a blue button that says “Publish.”

6. Also make sure that you post is readable. What do I mean by that? Make sure that you can see the font, by that I mean make the font visible. Like in this post the “font” is large, the font is gray but it is still readable.  I know that there are some bloggers that like to make their font pretty, but when the font is small and a white background that makes it hard to read. When your “font” is hard to read, readers don’t stick around to read your post.

Congratulations! you have created and published your first blog post, now wasn’t that easy?

If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to help you the best that I can. If I can’t answer your questions then I know some other bloggers that can.

Thanks for stopping by “My Krazy Life” with my Wife and Kids!

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Author: Mark

Welcome to "My Peaceful Life," with my Wife and kids. I am a dad and husband taking care of his disabled wife and three kids. I am currently driving for Uber and Lyft to provided an income for my family, but I am also blogger sharing stories and words of positive encouragement to help you through your day.