3 Keys and Techniques to Success

Here are some essential success skills, or “short cuts,” that I have learned that you can immediately act on. You can put them to work immediately in your business as well as your personal life.

First if you are having difficulty getting things done then follow these 11 steps.

  1.  Plot it out – write out what you want to accomplish for the week or day. This allows you to do the next step.

  2. Break it up – break your week, day hour into what needs to be accomplished first or what needs your attention.

  3. Do the first step – now take the first step in what you have planned

  4. Make sure you can do it – before you take on a job or task make sure you have the right tools and information

  5. Remind yourself you know how to do it – remind yourself that you have the experience and education to accomplish this job or task.

  6. Start each day with the most unpleasant task – that’s only if you can. Sometimes the most unpleasant task comes at the end of the day.

  7. Visualize completion if you have plotted it out the job or task then you have already seen the completion. Just remember to keep visualizing the completion.

  8. Do It for 10 minutes – if you are feeling frustrated by the job or task then do it for 10 minutes at a time, step back clear your head and do it for another 10 minutes till the job or task is complete.

  9. Commit yourself publicly – Doing this can help motivate you so that you don’t loose face or faith with family, friends or colleagues.

  10. Reward yourself for a job well done – When the job or task is finished then reward yourself with something that you have been putting off, like a new pair of shoes, a candy bar, icecream or new tool.

  11. Become an automaton – this step may not work everyone. But some people just have to plow through without thinking about each little detail of the job or task. They just do it with out motivation of what the end job or task will look like.

Secondly, remember that whatever we do in life there are setback and failures here is a list on how to handle your mistakes and stay cool under pressure.

  1.  Remember, life has setbacks – admit your failure, accept responsibility and bounce back as quickly as possible. Don’t wallow in yourself pity or regret, get up brush yourself off and get back to work.

  2. Buy time to clear your head – take a few minutes if you have really screwed up and clear your head of your mistake. Start thinking about how to fix the problem.

  3. Ask yourself “What’s the worst that could happen? – depending on the job or task you might only loose time or money on the job. Hopefully though it’s nothing bigger than that.

  4. Don’t react; respond – Never panic, but do seek help if need be. If things go out of control with the job or task take steps to fix the situation that is out of control.

  5. Feel the pain – by mourning the loss of the job or task, so that your can move forward and find a new job or task to accomplish. This helps you keep your perspective.

  6. Find the opportunity – look for other way to fix the problem that was screwed up by your mistake.

  7. Do something different, even if it’s minor – make that jester to fix the problem either free or reduced cost.

  8. Talk with someone – if you have just messed up royally on a job or task and you need to vent about it. Then talk to someone about how you messed up. This may help you figure out where you went wrong.

  9. Never try to cover it up – When you do make a mistake don’t try to cover it up. Just come clean, be honest and own what you did was wrong.

  10. Show some remorse – Don’t shrug off the mess up tell them how you really messed up say something like; “I know I really messed up but I want you to know how sorry I am that this has happened.”

Thirdly, here is a list that can help you possibly keep you focused and give you new energy, vigor and purpose.

  1.  Eat right and lite – eat good and healthy foods regularly, stray away from junk foods

  2. Cut out bad habits – It’s best not to smoke, chew tobacco, drink in moderation because too much can cause brain fog. Watch the foul language most people are turned off when using it in a professional setting (most the time in leisure setting also).

  3. Make sure you fit in – It is important to make sure you fit in. When you don’t fit in this can cause problems between you and the boss and other employees.

  4. Indulge in guilt-free leisure – schedule time for yourself and your family to have some fun not thinking about work.

  5. Take a Walk – a quick walk can help you clear your head and heart of troubled thoughts. It can also reduce stress in dealing with a situations that needs to be talked about.

  6. Say “No Way!” – Learn when to say “No” to others or jobs, because you don’t need that stress.

  7. Fight Fair – If these has been a disagreement with someone then schedule a time to talk the situation out. Accept your of the wrong doing and allow them to do so as well. Forgive them quickly and “Move On.”

  8. Exercise – helps you to manage stress that has built up from the days work. When you work out, it not only helps you relieve stress but helps you be physically fit.

  9. Take a 10 minute time out – step out for a 10 minute stress break. When everything seems to be going wrong take this time to refocus on the task ahead of you.

  10. Get a friend and be a friend – we all need someone to confide in, complain to, cry to, just be our self with. Allow this person to also be transparent with you.

  11. Change one thing at a time. – if there is a lot that needs to be changed in a situation, then try to make that change slowly and a little at a time. Making big changes all at once causes disharmony and frustration in people who can’t handle a lot of changes all at once.

There you have it. 32 Keys to success to live by. If you follow these steps, rules, keys, tips, whatever you want to call them, you will have success. The over arching key to success in life is GETTING ALONG with others.

Sometimes you have to make COMPROMISES. But don’t compromise your morals or ethics just to make someone happy or make a deal to get a job.

Be true to yourself and do your job or task to the best of your abilities and standards.

I hope that you found this keys and techniques helpful.

Have a Great Day and Blog ON!

Author: Mark

Welcome to "My Peaceful Life," with my Wife and kids. I am a dad and husband taking care of his disabled wife and three kids. I am currently driving for Uber and Lyft to provided an income for my family, but I am also blogger sharing stories and words of positive encouragement to help you through your day.